Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Identified the main problems of Krasnoyarsk region timber industry complex (TIC) development, presented the foresight results of region timber complex development. As the mechanism of strategic growth reviewed the project of the innovative timber cluster in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region in the form of sustainable territorial industry partnership of all subjects of its development. The concept of region TIC development was clustering by subject «science and education». Justified the leading role of supporting university of Krasnoyarsk region - Siberian Science and Technology University of academicien M.F.Reshetnev in the forming of cluster stuff and innovative developing approach. Identified the targets, principles, functions of cluster subjects cooperation. The model of educational cluster was formed. Activities to achieve the forecast indicators of Reshetnev SibSTU as the administrator of the timber industry complex educational cluster were systematized.

supporting university, Krasnoyarsk region, timber industry complex, educational cluster
Identified the main problems of Krasnoyarsk region timber industry complex (TIC) development, presented the foresight results of region timber complex development. As the mechanism of strategic growth reviewed the project of the innovative timber cluster in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region in the form of sustainable territorial industry partnership of all subjects of its development. The concept of region TIC development was clustering by subject «science and education». Justified the leading role of supporting university of Krasnoyarsk region - Siberian Science and Technology University of academicien M.F.Reshetnev in the forming of cluster stuff and innovative developing approach. Identified the targets, principles, functions of cluster subjects cooperation. The model of educational cluster was formed. Activities to achieve the forecast indicators of Reshetnev SibSTU as the administrator of the timber industry complex educational cluster were systematized.

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