Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Need of account and prevention of the risks and economic losses arising at implementation of space projects and programs is the cornerstone of ensuring economic security of space activity. Manifestation of economic risks and threats has the defined specifics for various spheres of space activity: market of starts, navigation and communication, remote sensing of Earth, projects of dual purpose. The period of time is limited to action of documents of strategic planning and also the principles and the purposes of state policy in the field of space.

space activity, economic security, economic risks and threats
Need of account and prevention of the risks and economic losses arising at implementation of space projects and programs is the cornerstone of ensuring economic security of space activity. Manifestation of economic risks and threats has the defined specifics for various spheres of space activity: market of starts, navigation and communication, remote sensing of Earth, projects of dual purpose. The period of time is limited to action of documents of strategic planning and also the principles and the purposes of state policy in the field of space.

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