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Abstract (English):
In the era of new industrialization in Russia, it is important to understand that the digital economy is not a separate industry, but a virtual environment that complements our reality is important. The article is devoted to the study of the development of the digital economy and its impact on the national and international economies. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and features of the formation of the digital economy in the context of its impact on the efficiency, competitiveness and development of the national and international economy. To achieve it, the actual and potential impact of the introduction of digital technologies on workers and consumers is disclosed. Analyzed the level of digitalization of Russia and the countries of the European Union. The ways to overcome the “digital divide” for the Russian Federation have been identified.

globalization of the economy, digital economy, knowledge economy, single digital market
In the era of new industrialization in Russia, it is important to understand that the digital economy is not a separate industry, but a virtual environment that complements our reality is important. The article is devoted to the study of the development of the digital economy and its impact on the national and international economies. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and features of the formation of the digital economy in the context of its impact on the efficiency, competitiveness and development of the national and international economy. To achieve it, the actual and potential impact of the introduction of digital technologies on workers and consumers is disclosed. Analyzed the level of digitalization of Russia and the countries of the European Union. The ways to overcome the “digital divide” for the Russian Federation have been identified.

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