Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article draws attention to the main issues of studying the characteristics of the adaptation of the traditional northern economy in the modern agrarian system. Separately stand out the brief results of the analysis of the development of the traditional economy in the dynamics of indicators of agrarian development. The preliminary results of the study to determine the indicators and criteria for adaptation strategies of workers and their farms are shown. Tasks are set up for a more detailed presentation of materials based on a brief review of field research results.

traditional economy, North of Yakutia, indicators and criteria of adaptation
This article draws attention to the main issues of studying the characteristics of the adaptation of the traditional northern economy in the modern agrarian system. Separately stand out the brief results of the analysis of the development of the traditional economy in the dynamics of indicators of agrarian development. The preliminary results of the study to determine the indicators and criteria for adaptation strategies of workers and their farms are shown. Tasks are set up for a more detailed presentation of materials based on a brief review of field research results.

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