Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the positive and negative effects of the migration of a human resource. The use of a statistical research method makes it possible to assess the consequences of migration in the Russian economy. The main social risks of migration are determined by political and socio-economic reasons. Evaluation of the consequences of social risks of migration leads to the conclusion about the need to implement migration policies related to leveling negative effects and strengthening positive ones.

migration, migration processes, migration increase, human resource, negative consequences of migration, social risks of migration
This article discusses the positive and negative effects of the migration of a human resource. The use of a statistical research method makes it possible to assess the consequences of migration in the Russian economy. The main social risks of migration are determined by political and socio-economic reasons. Evaluation of the consequences of social risks of migration leads to the conclusion about the need to implement migration policies related to leveling negative effects and strengthening positive ones.

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