Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper, an estimate of the life cycle cost (LC) of an innovative high-tech product project has been carried out. In the course of the work, the life cycle of an innovative product and project was studied, the methods for estimating the cost of various state standards and authors were reviewed. As a result, a program was developed for estimating the cost of the life cycle project based on the engineering system MatLab. This program makes it possible to estimate the cost of a project life cycle, both in aggregate (at the R & D stages, production, sale), and separately by stages, stages, years, and also to calculate the payback period of the project. The main indicators of the program: efficiency of information processing, information content and high accuracy of the results.

life cycle, innovative project management, life cycle cost assessment
In this paper, an estimate of the life cycle cost (LC) of an innovative high-tech product project has been carried out. In the course of the work, the life cycle of an innovative product and project was studied, the methods for estimating the cost of various state standards and authors were reviewed. As a result, a program was developed for estimating the cost of the life cycle project based on the engineering system MatLab. This program makes it possible to estimate the cost of a project life cycle, both in aggregate (at the R & D stages, production, sale), and separately by stages, stages, years, and also to calculate the payback period of the project. The main indicators of the program: efficiency of information processing, information content and high accuracy of the results.

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