Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article takes a look at issues of information support to small business, given the author's interpretation of "mechanism of information and service infrastructure of support of small business, provides a model for mechanism of information service infrastructure of support of small business in the region on the basis of theoretical and methodological approach. The author is invited to four groups of tools: normative, design trust, organizational, technical, financial and economic; defined criteria to assess the effectiveness of the mechanism. The developed model of the mechanism of information and service infrastructure of support of small business can serve as a basis for theoretical and methodological approach to strategy formation and small business development programs at both the the national and regional levels.

small business, small business, support infrastructure, information and service infrastructure support mechanism, mechanism model, region, performance evaluation criteria
This article takes a look at issues of information support to small business, given the author's interpretation of "mechanism of information and service infrastructure of support of small business, provides a model for mechanism of information service infrastructure of support of small business in the region on the basis of theoretical and methodological approach. The author is invited to four groups of tools: normative, design trust, organizational, technical, financial and economic; defined criteria to assess the effectiveness of the mechanism. The developed model of the mechanism of information and service infrastructure of support of small business can serve as a basis for theoretical and methodological approach to strategy formation and small business development programs at both the the national and regional levels.

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