Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the results of the fundamental works of N.I. Vavilova, C. Darwin, E. Darwin identified the main factors that determine the interaction of plant communities in the struggle for existence. For the first time, the role of Erasmus Darwin, who largely determined the ideas of the evolutionary theory of the origin of his grandson's species, Charles Darwin, was noted.

plant communities, mathematical model, number of individuals, food, periodicity
Based on the results of the fundamental works of N.I. Vavilova, C. Darwin, E. Darwin identified the main factors that determine the interaction of plant communities in the struggle for existence. For the first time, the role of Erasmus Darwin, who largely determined the ideas of the evolutionary theory of the origin of his grandson's species, Charles Darwin, was noted.

1. Vavilov N.I. Zakon gomologicheskih ryadov v nasledstvennoy izmenchivosti // Trudy III Vserossiyskogo Selekcionnogo S'ezda.: Saratov, 1920. - 16 s.

2. Vavilov N.I. Zakon gomologicheskih ryadov v nasledstvennoy izmenchivosti // Vtoroe pererabotannoe i rasshirennoe izdanie.: M.-L., 1935 - 56 s.

3. Darvin Ch. Proishozhdenie vidov putem estestvennogo podbora, ili sohranenie blagopriyatstvuemyh porod v bor'be za zhizn' // Izdanie V.I. Gubinskogo.: S/Pb., 1909. - 405 s.

4. Darvin Ch. Proishozhdenie vidov // Perevod K.A. Timiryazeva s ispravleniyami i ukazatelyami. Pod obschey redakciey akademika N.I. Vavilova.: M.-L., 1935. - 631 s.

5. Erazm Darvin. Hram Prirody. - M.-L.: AN SSSR, 1960. - 260 s.

6. Darwin E. The Temple of Nature; Or The Origin of Society: A poem With Philosophical Notes // London, 1803. - r. 524.

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