Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work is dedicated to the issue of assessment of alumina (red mud) production waste on natural water. The growth of the number of production facilities producing aluminium leads to the expansion of exclusion areas to store production waste - sludge dumps. A considerable part of research on red mud utilisation is focused on its use in the iron-and-steel industry. Furthermore, the technologies of red mud usage in the construction industry acquire substantial significance for land reclamation, isolation of polluted industrial and agricultural lands as well as in the course of effluent and industrial emissions treatment.

alumina, red mud, utilisation, sludge dump
The work is dedicated to the issue of assessment of alumina (red mud) production waste on natural water. The growth of the number of production facilities producing aluminium leads to the expansion of exclusion areas to store production waste - sludge dumps. A considerable part of research on red mud utilisation is focused on its use in the iron-and-steel industry. Furthermore, the technologies of red mud usage in the construction industry acquire substantial significance for land reclamation, isolation of polluted industrial and agricultural lands as well as in the course of effluent and industrial emissions treatment.

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