Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the important tasks of modern pharmaceutical science is to study the biotechnological potential of raw materials of natural origin. Interest in drugs based on medicinal raw materials of natural origin increases every year. This trend of renewed interest in biologics is explained by the shortcomings of synthetic drugs: toxicity, side effects and allergies. According to who, allergic phenomena resulting from the use of synthetic drugs occur in 12-18% of the population.

ecology, geoecology, structure, ecosystem, development
One of the important tasks of modern pharmaceutical science is to study the biotechnological potential of raw materials of natural origin. Interest in drugs based on medicinal raw materials of natural origin increases every year. This trend of renewed interest in biologics is explained by the shortcomings of synthetic drugs: toxicity, side effects and allergies. According to who, allergic phenomena resulting from the use of synthetic drugs occur in 12-18% of the population.

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2. Crespo R, Villaverde ML, Girotti JR, Güerci A, Juárez MP, de Bravo MG. Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of defence secretion of Ulomoides dermestoides on A549 cells. J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Jun 14; 136 (1): 204-209.

3. Santos RC, Lunardelli A, Caberlon E, Bastos CM, Nunes FB, Pires MG, et al. Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of Ulomoides dermestoides on induced pleurisy in rats and lymphoproliferation in vitro. Inflammation. 2010 Jun; 33 (3): 173-179.

4. Wahrendorf MS, Wink M. Pharmacologically active natural products in the defence secretion of Palembus ocularis (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera). J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 Jun; 106 (1): 51-56.

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