Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article is considered the main approaches for assessment of commercial potential of the innovative projects (IP) used in the Russian and foreign practice. The analysis of the main techniques and methods of conducting examination is carried out. Special attention is paid to studying a technique of assessment of innovative projects which is used Fund of assistance to innovations for the choice of projects for which grant support is necessary. The main problems and restrictions of application of the existing techniques and technologies are allocated, requirements for improvement of modern approaches are formulated.

.», STAR, BSC, IRI, NPV, IRR, PP, PI, innovative project (IP), commercial potential, expert estimates of innovations, foundation for assistance to small innovative enterprises (FASIE), Technology of a competition "U.M.N.I.K.", STAR, BSC, IRI, NPV, of IRR, PP, PI
In article is considered the main approaches for assessment of commercial potential of the innovative projects (IP) used in the Russian and foreign practice. The analysis of the main techniques and methods of conducting examination is carried out. Special attention is paid to studying a technique of assessment of innovative projects which is used Fund of assistance to innovations for the choice of projects for which grant support is necessary. The main problems and restrictions of application of the existing techniques and technologies are allocated, requirements for improvement of modern approaches are formulated.

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