Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the Department of economic theory and management of the state University of land management were conducted research "Economic mechanisms of regulation of land relations and the formation of food balances in the modernization of agriculture in Russia" (hereinafter Research). Based on the results of the study, practical proposals have been developed to improve economic mechanisms that will improve the efficiency of agricultural land use and modernization of agriculture on the basis of developed land relations.

monitoring of land, agriculture, agricultural land, land relations, land management, modernization of agricultural production
At the Department of economic theory and management of the state University of land management were conducted research "Economic mechanisms of regulation of land relations and the formation of food balances in the modernization of agriculture in Russia" (hereinafter Research). Based on the results of the study, practical proposals have been developed to improve economic mechanisms that will improve the efficiency of agricultural land use and modernization of agriculture on the basis of developed land relations.

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