Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the instruments for economic, legal and organizational activities to improve the regulation of the retail deposit market to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the Russian banking system. Among the key problems that hindered the development of the market are information asymmetry, high transaction costs for investors, a method for determining the maximum deposit interest rate and a low level of insurance coverage. Based on the current analysis of the deposit market, the article proposes a change in the approach to deposit insurance in terms of increasing the maximum payments or phasing out, introduction of irrevocable deposits, improving the principles for setting maximum deposit rates, creating a universal electronic platform and imposing restrictions on the total amount of deposits attracted.

retail deposit, banking regulation, interest rate policy, banking system of Russia
The article discusses the instruments for economic, legal and organizational activities to improve the regulation of the retail deposit market to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the Russian banking system. Among the key problems that hindered the development of the market are information asymmetry, high transaction costs for investors, a method for determining the maximum deposit interest rate and a low level of insurance coverage. Based on the current analysis of the deposit market, the article proposes a change in the approach to deposit insurance in terms of increasing the maximum payments or phasing out, introduction of irrevocable deposits, improving the principles for setting maximum deposit rates, creating a universal electronic platform and imposing restrictions on the total amount of deposits attracted.

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