Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the chronological sequence of development of self-regulatory organizations in Russia. As a result of the study, it was found that this concept has a rich history, and in Russia and the middle Ages the Association of traders can be considered the first prototypes of self-regulatory organizations. The article reveals the advantages that the organization receives when joining the SRO. The analysis of the territorial distribution of self-regulatory organizations in our country.

self-regulation, self-regulatory organizations, licensing, professional activities
The article is devoted to the study of the chronological sequence of development of self-regulatory organizations in Russia. As a result of the study, it was found that this concept has a rich history, and in Russia and the middle Ages the Association of traders can be considered the first prototypes of self-regulatory organizations. The article reveals the advantages that the organization receives when joining the SRO. The analysis of the territorial distribution of self-regulatory organizations in our country.

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2. Larkina N. G. Kompetentnost' samoreguliruemyh predprinimatel'skih struktur: marketingovyy aspekt // Aktual'nye voprosy ekonomiki i upravleniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Moskva, aprel' 2011 g.).T. II. M.: RIOR, 2011. S. 27-32.

3. O rynke cennyh bumag: FZ ot 22.04.1996 N 39-FZ [Elektronnyy resurs]// Konsul'tant. - Rezhim dostupa:

4. O samoreguliruemyh organizaciyah: FZ ot 01.12.2007 N 315-FZ [Elektronnyy resurs]// Konsul'tant. - Rezhim dostupa:

5. O samoreguliruemyh organizaciyah v sfere finansovogo rynka: FZ ot 13.07.2015 N 223-FZ [Elektronnyy resurs]// Konsul'tant. - Rezhim dostupa:

6. Vse o samoregulirovanii [Elektronnyy resurs]// Informacionnyy portal. - Rezhim dostupa:

7. O nekommercheskih organizaciyah: FZ ot 12.01.1996 N 7-FZ [Elektronnyy resurs]// Konsul'tant. - Rezhim dostupa:

8. Reestr SRO [Elektronnyy resurs]// Informacionno-konsul'tacionnyy portal samoreguliruemyh organizaciy. - Rezhim dostupa:

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