Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this study is to identify patterns and major growth factors for successful fast-growing high-tech companies. The study analyzed the growth rates of high-tech companies, taking into account their regional and sectoral affiliation, assessed the position of leading companies in their segments and the impact of the economic environment on the number of high-tech companies and the dynamics of their growth. The object of the study were fast-growing high-tech companies in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EBVA). As a result, it was concluded that the growth of high-tech companies has a recycling positive trend and does not directly depend on the level of the country's economic development. The explosive growth of high-tech companies is due to the creation and use of exponential technologies and fundamentally new business models, their leadership in creating new technologies and markets.

digital economy, digital transformation, high-tech companies, high technologies, exponential growth, explosive growth, exponential technologies, exponential organizations, technological platforms, ecosystems
The purpose of this study is to identify patterns and major growth factors for successful fast-growing high-tech companies. The study analyzed the growth rates of high-tech companies, taking into account their regional and sectoral affiliation, assessed the position of leading companies in their segments and the impact of the economic environment on the number of high-tech companies and the dynamics of their growth. The object of the study were fast-growing high-tech companies in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EBVA). As a result, it was concluded that the growth of high-tech companies has a recycling positive trend and does not directly depend on the level of the country's economic development. The explosive growth of high-tech companies is due to the creation and use of exponential technologies and fundamentally new business models, their leadership in creating new technologies and markets.

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