Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article substantiates the need for the introduction of digital competencies in the practice of Economics. The methodology is based on data collection and processing. Research tools that have been used: road map, survey, visualization tools. This article will address the importance of future-oriented analysis of digital competencies, in particular forecasting, and how to choose the best methodology from existing ones. Performed structuralization digital competences and their characteristics. Although the article lays the Foundation and covers the characteristics used in the analysis of digital competencies, the features of a full understanding of each of these tools is missing.

digital economy, digital competence, digital literacy
The article substantiates the need for the introduction of digital competencies in the practice of Economics. The methodology is based on data collection and processing. Research tools that have been used: road map, survey, visualization tools. This article will address the importance of future-oriented analysis of digital competencies, in particular forecasting, and how to choose the best methodology from existing ones. Performed structuralization digital competences and their characteristics. Although the article lays the Foundation and covers the characteristics used in the analysis of digital competencies, the features of a full understanding of each of these tools is missing.

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