Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Analyzing the work of this topic, it should be noted the increased attention to the role of natural and geographical factors in the development of the territory. However, the mechanism of their influence still needs to be studied. Conducting a study of the road network of the study area revealed that at present the basic network of highways of reliable year-round operation has not yet been formed. One of the most important consequences of their undevelopedness is the geographical location, the dimension of the territory and the difficult climatic conditions.

roads, geographical location, climate, relief, permafrost, soil, vegetation, factors
Analyzing the work of this topic, it should be noted the increased attention to the role of natural and geographical factors in the development of the territory. However, the mechanism of their influence still needs to be studied. Conducting a study of the road network of the study area revealed that at present the basic network of highways of reliable year-round operation has not yet been formed. One of the most important consequences of their undevelopedness is the geographical location, the dimension of the territory and the difficult climatic conditions.

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