Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a research of the possibilities of using mobile technologies in the work organization. The aim of the research is to analyze and evaluate the implementation of BYOD-technologies for the work organization of modern companies. The research methods are statistical data analysis, surveys of enterprise managers, an empirical analysis of the introduction of mobile technologies in companies. The authors cite the world and domestic experience in the use of BYOD-technologies in commercial organizations, justify the effectiveness of the use of such technologies, and also indicate key shortcomings. As conclusions, the article outlines the prospects and features of the use of mobile technologies in the work organization.

work organization, mobile technologies, mobile devices, BYOD-technologies, consumerization, labor efficiency
The article presents a research of the possibilities of using mobile technologies in the work organization. The aim of the research is to analyze and evaluate the implementation of BYOD-technologies for the work organization of modern companies. The research methods are statistical data analysis, surveys of enterprise managers, an empirical analysis of the introduction of mobile technologies in companies. The authors cite the world and domestic experience in the use of BYOD-technologies in commercial organizations, justify the effectiveness of the use of such technologies, and also indicate key shortcomings. As conclusions, the article outlines the prospects and features of the use of mobile technologies in the work organization.

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