Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problems of the formation of a regional social infrastructure, which is represented as the most important element of the resource base of the region. The concept of regional social infrastructure has been clarified, its classification has been proposed. The main problems of the formation and development of social infrastructure in Russia are analyzed. The structure of the regional social infrastructure is proposed. Analyzed the mechanisms of formation of the social infrastructure of the region.

social infrastructure, regional resources, resource security, human capital, public-private partnership
The article deals with the problems of the formation of a regional social infrastructure, which is represented as the most important element of the resource base of the region. The concept of regional social infrastructure has been clarified, its classification has been proposed. The main problems of the formation and development of social infrastructure in Russia are analyzed. The structure of the regional social infrastructure is proposed. Analyzed the mechanisms of formation of the social infrastructure of the region.

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