Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to studying of features of use of the formalized device in modeling of prospects of development transport - a logistics system of service of freght traffics on the example of the South of the Tyumen region. Authors showed iterations at the level of scenarios of development transport - a logistics system of service of freght traffics with application of a stochastic method of assessment. The research of cause and effect communications between social and economic and production characteristics of development of the region by all sectors of economy allowed to create key positions of competitiveness transport - a logistics system of the region on means of transport. The created balanced system of indicators - evaluation criteria characterizes business activity of transport network of a relevant type in transport - a logistics system of the region in relation to features of development of the South of the Tyumen region.

ompetitiveness, transport infrastructure, it is transport - a logistics system, normalization, modeling, iterations
Article is devoted to studying of features of use of the formalized device in modeling of prospects of development transport - a logistics system of service of freght traffics on the example of the South of the Tyumen region. Authors showed iterations at the level of scenarios of development transport - a logistics system of service of freght traffics with application of a stochastic method of assessment. The research of cause and effect communications between social and economic and production characteristics of development of the region by all sectors of economy allowed to create key positions of competitiveness transport - a logistics system of the region on means of transport. The created balanced system of indicators - evaluation criteria characterizes business activity of transport network of a relevant type in transport - a logistics system of the region in relation to features of development of the South of the Tyumen region.

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