Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the problems of development of the territory. The purpose of this study is to develop ways to justify the choice of land plots using remote sensing data (satellite images) for the development of the territory by creating objects of roadside service to the logistics center of regional importance. The paper analyzes the spatial and statistical data on the existing transport infrastructure of the territory in the form of a fragment of the Federal highway in the Tobolsk district of the Tyumen region with the use of satellite images and real estate objects - land plots; offers an algorithm for selecting real estate objects - land plots; developed criteria for the choice of real estate objects; provides the necessary requirements for the provision of roads.

territorial development, sustainable development of territories, transport infrastructure, space images, real estate objects, road service objects
The article discusses the problems of development of the territory. The purpose of this study is to develop ways to justify the choice of land plots using remote sensing data (satellite images) for the development of the territory by creating objects of roadside service to the logistics center of regional importance. The paper analyzes the spatial and statistical data on the existing transport infrastructure of the territory in the form of a fragment of the Federal highway in the Tobolsk district of the Tyumen region with the use of satellite images and real estate objects - land plots; offers an algorithm for selecting real estate objects - land plots; developed criteria for the choice of real estate objects; provides the necessary requirements for the provision of roads.

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