Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problem of registration of municipal property rights of linear objects. In the process of studying the legal framework in the field of land demarcation, cadastral registration and registration of municipal property rights of linear objects was revealed that the formation of land for the placement of linear structures of the entire land is divided into several sections, often multi-contour. The owners of such lands are different subjects of land relations with different types of law. In addition, overlaps and overlapping boundaries are often identified in the process of such division.

avtomobil'naya doroga, municipal'naya sobstvennost', lineynyy ob'ekt, servitut, arenda
The article deals with the problem of registration of municipal property rights of linear objects. In the process of studying the legal framework in the field of land demarcation, cadastral registration and registration of municipal property rights of linear objects was revealed that the formation of land for the placement of linear structures of the entire land is divided into several sections, often multi-contour. The owners of such lands are different subjects of land relations with different types of law. In addition, overlaps and overlapping boundaries are often identified in the process of such division.

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9. Oficial'nyy portal Rosreestra Publichnaya kadastrovaya karta [Elektronnyy resurs] http://pkk5.rosreestr.ru/

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