Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This work covers the pollution of the atmosphere during the work of the Mikhailovsky Mining and Refining Facility which is located within 100 km from the city of Kursk, in the city of Zheleznogorsk. Over the past few years in the whole world, anthropogenic activity, connected mainly with the locations of mineral production and the those of mineral treatment and processing, has been becoming increasingly dangerous for the natural environment. Resource development in open pits causes the formation of inorganic dust. The dust gets excreted into the atmosphere at all stages of an enterprise’s technical process. The principal sources excreting inorganic dust during open mining of iron deposits: blasting operations in an open pit, the work of transfer points, the enrichment process at a factory, pellet firing as well as dusting from the surfaces of stock dumps and dry tailings beaches.

reduction, dust pollution, decommissioning, iron-ore waste
This work covers the pollution of the atmosphere during the work of the Mikhailovsky Mining and Refining Facility which is located within 100 km from the city of Kursk, in the city of Zheleznogorsk. Over the past few years in the whole world, anthropogenic activity, connected mainly with the locations of mineral production and the those of mineral treatment and processing, has been becoming increasingly dangerous for the natural environment. Resource development in open pits causes the formation of inorganic dust. The dust gets excreted into the atmosphere at all stages of an enterprise’s technical process. The principal sources excreting inorganic dust during open mining of iron deposits: blasting operations in an open pit, the work of transfer points, the enrichment process at a factory, pellet firing as well as dusting from the surfaces of stock dumps and dry tailings beaches.

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