Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Improving the training of employees, improving their professional skills is one of the most important elements of the complex of works at the present time. The main task of the modern system of training and advanced training of workers is to overcome the past inconsistencies in the training of personnel by profession and in a balanced satisfaction of the needs of a particular production, taking into account the prospects of its development in skilled workers. This is explained by the need for scientifically based determination of the real needs of production in qualified personnel of the required quantity and quality.

training of workers, structural division, Russian Railways
Improving the training of employees, improving their professional skills is one of the most important elements of the complex of works at the present time. The main task of the modern system of training and advanced training of workers is to overcome the past inconsistencies in the training of personnel by profession and in a balanced satisfaction of the needs of a particular production, taking into account the prospects of its development in skilled workers. This is explained by the need for scientifically based determination of the real needs of production in qualified personnel of the required quantity and quality.

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