Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article diagnostics of regional competitiveness of the Ryazan region is carried out. The research of competitive and negative factors of external and internal environment is performed by means of the SWOT analysis method that allows to reveal the level of social and economic development of the Ryazan region. By its results the correlation SWOT matrix which allows to define main objectives and problems of strategic development of the Ryazan region and also to allocate both the most perspective and effective activities, and the industries which demand significant transformations is formed. The conclusion about need of participation of the region for federal projects, and also attraction of the private and foreign investments is drawn.

region, regional competitiveness, SWOT analysis, factors of external and internal environment, strategic development of the region, Ryazan region
In article diagnostics of regional competitiveness of the Ryazan region is carried out. The research of competitive and negative factors of external and internal environment is performed by means of the SWOT analysis method that allows to reveal the level of social and economic development of the Ryazan region. By its results the correlation SWOT matrix which allows to define main objectives and problems of strategic development of the Ryazan region and also to allocate both the most perspective and effective activities, and the industries which demand significant transformations is formed. The conclusion about need of participation of the region for federal projects, and also attraction of the private and foreign investments is drawn.

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