Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The development of agriculture in the Russian Federation in recent years has positive trends. The share of domestic products on the shelves of Russian stores has increased. Agricultural indicators show progress in the physical dimension. There is an increase in agricultural production. The main growth factors are the implementation of the concept of development of the agro-industrial complex. The direct dependence of production and concentration of capital in clusters is established. The concept of cluster formation is developed. It is recommended to continue the formation of agricultural clusters. This is a strategic direction for the development of agriculture in Russia.

tourism, tourists, countries, service, economy, problems, development, efficiency
The development of agriculture in the Russian Federation in recent years has positive trends. The share of domestic products on the shelves of Russian stores has increased. Agricultural indicators show progress in the physical dimension. There is an increase in agricultural production. The main growth factors are the implementation of the concept of development of the agro-industrial complex. The direct dependence of production and concentration of capital in clusters is established. The concept of cluster formation is developed. It is recommended to continue the formation of agricultural clusters. This is a strategic direction for the development of agriculture in Russia.

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