Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The necessity of bringing agricultural land use to the optimal size is substantiated. The concept of optimal land use, the rational size of the agricultural organization. The influence of the formation of optimal land use on the organization of the municipal district. The search for rational sizes in the new economic and organizational conditions is based on the application of a number of research methods, such as the method of statistical groupings, the method of expert assessments, the method of modeling (forecasting) and others. The main objectives of the study are: to identify the problems of development of rural areas; analysis of factors affecting production, as well as their degree of influence on the result; finding a combination of factors of production, allowing to obtain the maximum possible profit; determining the optimal size of agricultural organizations. It is proved that the formation of the optimal size of land use of agricultural organizations helps to obtain the most effective indicators of production, creating conditions for manageability, rational combination and use of basic resources.
surface area, land use, optimal (rational) amount, the formation of a system of land use, simulation method, statistical groupings, expert opinions, organization of production
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