Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The analysis of medico-demographic indicators of the state of health of the population of Yakutia from 1990 for 2016 is presented in article. In the conducted research the main demographic indicators as the indicators characterizing health of the population (population, birth rate, mortality, a natural increase, average life expectancy, age and sex structure of the population) and indicators of incidence of the population on classes of diseases are considered. In the presented research materials, are noted: progressive type of reproduction of the population, a steady positive natural increase, increase in number of women at reproductive age, decrease in infantile mortality, increase in the expected life expectancy. The main problem in the state of health of the population in Yakutia are growth of indicators of the general incidence of all population, especially such as diseases of respiratory organs, the blood circulatory system and digestive organs. The modern medico-demographic situation in Yakutia is determined by all previous course of social and economic development of the territory. The assessment of a medico-demographic situation testifies to the outlined positive tendency in development of health of the population of Yakutia.
health, demographic indicators, medico-demographic situation, incidence
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