Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Тhe article deals with the problems of implementation of state policy in the Krasnodar region. Since the tourism sector in the region is one of the most promising, it was taken as an example. To solve the identified problems in the field of tourism, the most effective and efficient development tools are the program-target method and mechanisms of public-private partnership, as natural resources and cultural heritage can not be considered as the only and sufficient conditions for the successful development of tourism in the region. Next is the rationale for the formation of a mechanism of partnership in the field of investment projects, which will have a positive impact on the development of tourism activities of small and medium-sized cities of Krasnodar region.

public policy, partnership, investment activity, effective management
Тhe article deals with the problems of implementation of state policy in the Krasnodar region. Since the tourism sector in the region is one of the most promising, it was taken as an example. To solve the identified problems in the field of tourism, the most effective and efficient development tools are the program-target method and mechanisms of public-private partnership, as natural resources and cultural heritage can not be considered as the only and sufficient conditions for the successful development of tourism in the region. Next is the rationale for the formation of a mechanism of partnership in the field of investment projects, which will have a positive impact on the development of tourism activities of small and medium-sized cities of Krasnodar region.

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