Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Earth remote sensing data has become vital for mapping the features of terrestrial landscapes and infrastructures, managing natural resources, and studying environmental changes. Thanks to the creation of more advanced technologies for obtaining and automated thematic interpretation of remote sensing, high-resolution satellite imagery materials have become one of the most timely, reliable and efficient sources of information for monitoring the state and dynamic changes in land use. The article describes the technology of the implementation of remote sensing, as well as its importance in studying the state of the land.

Earth remote sensing, thematic mapping, land use structure
Earth remote sensing data has become vital for mapping the features of terrestrial landscapes and infrastructures, managing natural resources, and studying environmental changes. Thanks to the creation of more advanced technologies for obtaining and automated thematic interpretation of remote sensing, high-resolution satellite imagery materials have become one of the most timely, reliable and efficient sources of information for monitoring the state and dynamic changes in land use. The article describes the technology of the implementation of remote sensing, as well as its importance in studying the state of the land.

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