Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to analyze the dynamics of migration processes in Russia as a whole as well as in its federal districts. Despite a fold increase in the migration activity, and despite an increase in migration pressures, the population of the country decreased from 1990 to 2016 by 1.5 million people, especially in the Far Eastern Federal District - by 1.9 million people. (23.5%). At the same time, the balance of population migration from 2008 to 2016 provides 89.0% of the total population growth. In 2016 the population density in the Siberian Federal District represented 3.78 people / km2, which is 8.5% less than in 1990; in the Far Eastern Federal District this figure was 0.89 people / km2 which represented a 23.3% decrease in population density if this region from 2016 to 1990. This trend indicates the presence of deserted territories in these regions. All these factors predetermine the need of improvement of state regulation of migration processes as well as of science-based migration policy development.

migration, federal districts, balance of migration, arriving rate, attrition rate, population density
The purpose of the study is to analyze the dynamics of migration processes in Russia as a whole as well as in its federal districts. Despite a fold increase in the migration activity, and despite an increase in migration pressures, the population of the country decreased from 1990 to 2016 by 1.5 million people, especially in the Far Eastern Federal District - by 1.9 million people. (23.5%). At the same time, the balance of population migration from 2008 to 2016 provides 89.0% of the total population growth. In 2016 the population density in the Siberian Federal District represented 3.78 people / km2, which is 8.5% less than in 1990; in the Far Eastern Federal District this figure was 0.89 people / km2 which represented a 23.3% decrease in population density if this region from 2016 to 1990. This trend indicates the presence of deserted territories in these regions. All these factors predetermine the need of improvement of state regulation of migration processes as well as of science-based migration policy development.

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