Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the agro-industrial complex of the country and in particular in the Rostov region, such agricultural producers as peasant (farmer) farms make a significant contribution to providing the population with food, and the processing industry with raw materials. The share of peasant (farmer) farms, among agricultural enterprises and households of the population, accounts for a significant share in ensuring the food independence of our state. The article studies the problems of formation, development and activity of peasant (farm) farms in the Rostov region. The analysis of their activities, their impact on the agricultural economy of the don, shows the problems and outlines promising directions of their development.

peasant (farmer) economy, agro-industrial complex, economy, cooperation, integration, state support
In the agro-industrial complex of the country and in particular in the Rostov region, such agricultural producers as peasant (farmer) farms make a significant contribution to providing the population with food, and the processing industry with raw materials. The share of peasant (farmer) farms, among agricultural enterprises and households of the population, accounts for a significant share in ensuring the food independence of our state. The article studies the problems of formation, development and activity of peasant (farm) farms in the Rostov region. The analysis of their activities, their impact on the agricultural economy of the don, shows the problems and outlines promising directions of their development.

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