Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article aims to create methodology by which we can explain implementation of Russian development strategy. Authors used statistical data of Federal State Statistics Service for preparing this article. Was used software Statistica for calculations. This article includes: specific features of the state system in Russia; problems of regional development including their social and economic differences; the historical reasons owing to regional economy be crisis; article says why we need to change something for increase life expectancy at presently; authors selected multiple regression method for answer how to increase life expectancy in Russia and execute May Edict of mister President, how is it possible? Results of this exploring proved that between lifetime indicator and other social and economic indicators are causality dependent. Due to multiple regression method was create working model on which you can forecasting lifetime expectancy rate in Russian Federation. Authors convince oneself that lifetime expectancy people who live in Russian Federation may be 78 years instead of 72 years. In the end was illustrate that presidential decrees, which were given to The Russian Government in may 2018, can be fulfil in real. The shortcomings of statistical modeling of government decisions are proposed for discussion. This is one of the important aspects of article. Based on the results of the work carried out, the possibility of forming a methodological apparatus that will statistically justify the implementation of the strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 is brought to the discussion. Conclusions of this research can be used at regional state and municipal state, in future.

regional economy, Russian regions, region economic potential, interregional comparisons, statistical methods researching, regression analysis, quality of lifetime, lifetime expectancy, demography, economic growth strategy
This article aims to create methodology by which we can explain implementation of Russian development strategy. Authors used statistical data of Federal State Statistics Service for preparing this article. Was used software STATISTICA for calculations. This article includes: specific features of the state system in Russia; problems of regional development including their social and economic differences; the historical reasons owing to regional economy be crisis; article says why we need to change something for increase life expectancy at presently; authors selected multiple regression method for answer how to increase life expectancy in Russia and execute May Edict of mister President, how is it possible? Results of this exploring proved that between lifetime indicator and other social and economic indicators are causality dependent. Due to multiple regression method was create working model on which you can forecasting lifetime expectancy rate in Russian Federation. Authors convince oneself that lifetime expectancy people who live in Russian Federation may be 78 years instead of 72 years. In the end was illustrate that presidential decrees, which were given to The Russian Government in may 2018, can be fulfil in real. The shortcomings of statistical modeling of government decisions are proposed for discussion. This is one of the important aspects of article. Based on the results of the work carried out, the possibility of forming a methodological apparatus that will statistically justify the implementation of the strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 is brought to the discussion. Conclusions of this research can be used at regional state and municipal state, in future.

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