Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the role of the road transport in providing passenger and freight transport services in the modern Russian economy is considered. The advantages for road transport associated with its adaptability, availability and maneuverability. This reqiues the road transport companies capital assets maintainence. That is not possible without an effective investment policy of road transport enterpises. Matches investments, features of investing and specific risks of motor transportation companies have been considered. The areas for improvement ща government incentives of the road transport companies investment activities.

investicii, investicii v osnovnoy kapital, investicionnaya deyatel'nost', gosudarstvennoe stimulirovanie investiciy, avtomobil'nyy transport, avtotransportnoe predpriyatie, investments, investments in fixed capital, investment activity, state stimulation of investments, automobile transport, motor transport enterprise. Literatura
In this article the role of the road transport in providing passenger and freight transport services in the modern Russian economy is considered. The advantages for road transport associated with its adaptability, availability and maneuverability. This reqiues the road transport companies capital assets maintainence. That is not possible without an effective investment policy of road transport enterpises. Matches investments, features of investing and specific risks of motor transportation companies have been considered. The areas for improvement ща government incentives of the road transport companies investment activities.

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