Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the effects of biopreparation on feeding crops silages. The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of local Bacillus subtilis strains on silage quality and preservation. Bacillus subtilis strains, namely TNP-3 and TNP-5, have been isolated from permafrost soils in Yakutia (probiotics Sakhabactisubtil and Nord-bact). They were shown to play the role of antagonists against harmful microorganisms and, in addition, provide improved preservation quality and nutritive values to robust feeds. In specific, the Sakhabactisubtil strain was shown to have a better ability to contributing to the feeding crops preservation. The content of digestible protein per 1kg of silage dry mass after 7 months of preservation was higher than in those in control by - 5,4% in oats, 26,9% in a vetch-oat mix and 14,2% in alfalfa. Application of Sakhabactisubtil and Nord-Bact during the ensiling process was shown to cooperate for the increase of beneficial microorganisms- spore-forming bacteria and lactobacterium by 98%, and decrease the amount of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms.

feeding crops, silage, bacteria, strains, Sakhabactisubtil, Nord-Bact, nutritive value, quality, preservation
The article describes the effects of biopreparation on feeding crops silages. The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of local Bacillus subtilis strains on silage quality and preservation. Bacillus subtilis strains, namely TNP-3 and TNP-5, have been isolated from permafrost soils in Yakutia (probiotics Sakhabactisubtil and Nord-bact). They were shown to play the role of antagonists against harmful microorganisms and, in addition, provide improved preservation quality and nutritive values to robust feeds. In specific, the Sakhabactisubtil strain was shown to have a better ability to contributing to the feeding crops preservation. The content of digestible protein per 1kg of silage dry mass after 7 months of preservation was higher than in those in control by - 5,4% in oats, 26,9% in a vetch-oat mix and 14,2% in alfalfa. Application of Sakhabactisubtil and Nord-Bact during the ensiling process was shown to cooperate for the increase of beneficial microorganisms- spore-forming bacteria and lactobacterium by 98%, and decrease the amount of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms.

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