Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Тhe article analyzes the main socio-economic and political dimensions of the current state of European integration. It is concluded that the European Union is experiencing the most difficult period in the entire history of the European integration process, starting in the 1950s. The variety of challenges that the EU faces today, their extreme scale and versatility give reason to talk about the systemic crisis of the European integration process, which is not an accident, but is the result of a long accumulation of prerequisites since the period of triumphant European integration.

European Union, economic and monetary union, European integration, Euro-skepticism, Eurozone, nationalism, monetarist policy, economic crisis
Тhe article analyzes the main socio-economic and political dimensions of the current state of European integration. It is concluded that the European Union is experiencing the most difficult period in the entire history of the European integration process, starting in the 1950s. The variety of challenges that the EU faces today, their extreme scale and versatility give reason to talk about the systemic crisis of the European integration process, which is not an accident, but is the result of a long accumulation of prerequisites since the period of triumphant European integration.

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