Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The theory of linear programming, in general, the theory of optimization, developed in parallel with the study of flows in networks. Nevertheless, the structure of streaming problems, from both practical and theoretical sides, leads to more efficient solutions than the solution of linear programs. This approach received the most attention of researchers from the moment it was selected by Ford and Fulkerson in their fundamental work on flows in networks. First of all, research in the theory of flows was determined by military needs - thanks to the connection between maximum flows and minimum cuts. This article examines the civilian application of the theory of flows in the direction of solving the problems of delivering the maximum amount of goods for a certain time period. The algorithm for solving the problem of the maximum flow in the network is considered. The basic concepts of the maximum flow in the network. The algorithm for searching the maximum flow in the Ford-Fulkerson graph is considered.

logistics, the theory of streams, a problem of delivery of freight, the maximum stream in network, transport network, capacity, Ford's theorem-Falkersona, Ford's algorithm-Falkersona
The theory of linear programming, in general, the theory of optimization, developed in parallel with the study of flows in networks. Nevertheless, the structure of streaming problems, from both practical and theoretical sides, leads to more efficient solutions than the solution of linear programs. This approach received the most attention of researchers from the moment it was selected by Ford and Fulkerson in their fundamental work on flows in networks. First of all, research in the theory of flows was determined by military needs - thanks to the connection between maximum flows and minimum cuts. This article examines the civilian application of the theory of flows in the direction of solving the problems of delivering the maximum amount of goods for a certain time period. The algorithm for solving the problem of the maximum flow in the network is considered. The basic concepts of the maximum flow in the network. The algorithm for searching the maximum flow in the Ford-Fulkerson graph is considered.

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