Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article proposes an economic approach to assessing the quality of landscape architecture. The paper defines the criteria for calculating the damage caused by changes in recreational and environmental functions as a result of anthropogenic transformation of four parks in Yekaterinburg. Previously, all parks were created on the basis of natural pine plantations, but now the share of pine has decreased significantly. For several decades there was a replacement for more fast-growing, available in abundance in the nursery deciduous species such as Apple berry, Rowan ordinary. As a result, while maintaining urban planning standards for landscaping, there was a change of large parkland to more decorative, but less environmentally valuable trees of the third magnitude. Based on the economic assessment of recreational and environmental indicators, it was found that serious damage was noted only in the category of air control function, which is the most significant in industrial cities.

recreational and ecological functions, species diversity of tree plantations, economic assessment of natural functions of parks in cities
The article proposes an economic approach to assessing the quality of landscape architecture. The paper defines the criteria for calculating the damage caused by changes in recreational and environmental functions as a result of anthropogenic transformation of four parks in Yekaterinburg. Previously, all parks were created on the basis of natural pine plantations, but now the share of pine has decreased significantly. For several decades there was a replacement for more fast-growing, available in abundance in the nursery deciduous species such as Apple berry, Rowan ordinary. As a result, while maintaining urban planning standards for landscaping, there was a change of large parkland to more decorative, but less environmentally valuable trees of the third magnitude. Based on the economic assessment of recreational and environmental indicators, it was found that serious damage was noted only in the category of air control function, which is the most significant in industrial cities.

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