Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the administrative territory of the district there are farms and residents of 20 mountain regions of the Republic, which are assigned to more than 225 thousand hectares of land, which creates great problems in the formulation of land plots for cadastral registration. In the area of 60 inspected objects, all documents have 21 objects, there are documents for the land, but there are no on the structure - 19 objects, the availability of documents as personal subsidiary plots, and in fact "commercial point" have 11 objects, there are initial documents for the land and structure (resolutions, land surveying, cadastral passport), but there is no ownership of 9 objects. The purpose of the mass valuation is a fair and effective valuation of all real estate objects belonging to some jurisdiction for the purpose of calculating the property tax.

Babayurtovsky municipal district of the Republic of Dagestan, land Fund, real estate cadastre, problems, suggestions
In the administrative territory of the district there are farms and residents of 20 mountain regions of the Republic, which are assigned to more than 225 thousand hectares of land, which creates great problems in the formulation of land plots for cadastral registration. In the area of 60 inspected objects, all documents have 21 objects, there are documents for the land, but there are no on the structure - 19 objects, the availability of documents as personal subsidiary plots, and in fact "commercial point" have 11 objects, there are initial documents for the land and structure (resolutions, land surveying, cadastral passport), but there is no ownership of 9 objects. The purpose of the mass valuation is a fair and effective valuation of all real estate objects belonging to some jurisdiction for the purpose of calculating the property tax.

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8. Istochnik:

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