Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the legal regulation of the state cadastral valuation at the present stage, the trends of the real estate market, the characteristics of the main normative legal acts: Methodical instructions on the state cadastral valuation determining the rules for establishing the cadastral value of real estate objects, the feature of the Declaration on the characteristics of real estate objects that can be submitted by legal entities and individuals during the state cadastral valuation in the Subject of the Russian Federation, the order of consideration of complaints about the provision of clarifications related to the definition of the cadastral value.

cadastral valuation, land and property relations, features, real estate
The article deals with the legal regulation of the state cadastral valuation at the present stage, the trends of the real estate market, the characteristics of the main normative legal acts: Methodical instructions on the state cadastral valuation determining the rules for establishing the cadastral value of real estate objects, the feature of the Declaration on the characteristics of real estate objects that can be submitted by legal entities and individuals during the state cadastral valuation in the Subject of the Russian Federation, the order of consideration of complaints about the provision of clarifications related to the definition of the cadastral value.

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