Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the author's approach to assessing the effectiveness of management consulting as a factor ensuring the high competitiveness of educational organizations. A comprehensive approach to evaluating the work of consultants in the social sphere and the effectiveness of using such services has been proposed. The proposed approach will most effectively assess the benefits of attracting consultants to the management of the institution, carry out the selection of consultants, and improve the system for implementing the recommendations of management consulting.

management consulting, competitiveness, consulting educational organizations, efficiency, profitability, social sphere, education, science, management, professionalism
The article presents the author's approach to assessing the effectiveness of management consulting as a factor ensuring the high competitiveness of educational organizations. A comprehensive approach to evaluating the work of consultants in the social sphere and the effectiveness of using such services has been proposed. The proposed approach will most effectively assess the benefits of attracting consultants to the management of the institution, carry out the selection of consultants, and improve the system for implementing the recommendations of management consulting.

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7. Oficial'nyy sayt elektronnogo izdatel'stva «Menedzher obrazovaniya». Rezhim dostupa: https://www.menobr.ru/

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