Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article describes the development of a methodology or algorithm for preparing an information model for transferring it to the operation service. The following issues are addressed: analysis of the use of BIM-model at the operational stage; analysis of the difficulties encountered when using unprepared BIM-model in operation; synthesis of existing and development of alternative recommendations for filling the information model with data at each stage of design and construction for subsequent use in the operation service; the study of tools that help in the preparation of BIM-model; development of algorithms that optimize the preparation of an information model for the operation of an object.

BIM-technologies, information modeling, construction, 3D-model, virtual copy, construction
This article describes the development of a methodology or algorithm for preparing an information model for transferring it to the operation service. The following issues are addressed: analysis of the use of BIM-model at the operational stage; analysis of the difficulties encountered when using unprepared BIM-model in operation; synthesis of existing and development of alternative recommendations for filling the information model with data at each stage of design and construction for subsequent use in the operation service; the study of tools that help in the preparation of BIM-model; development of algorithms that optimize the preparation of an information model for the operation of an object.

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5. Proekt GOST R Organizaciya informacii o stroitel'nyh rabotah. Informacionnyy menedzhment v stroitel'stve s ispol'zovaniem tehnologii informacionnogo modelirovaniya. Chast' 1. Ponyatiya i principy // SPS «Tehekspert»

6. Proekt GOST R Organizaciya informacii o stroitel'nyh rabotah. Informacionnyy menedzhment v stroitel'stve s ispol'zovaniem tehnologii informacionnogo modelirovaniya. Chast' 2. Stadiya sozdaniya aktivov // SPS «Tehekspert»

7. Proekt GOST R Struktury dannyh v elektronnyh katalogov produkcii dlya inzhenernyh sistem zdaniy. Chast' 1. Ponyatiya, arhitektura i model'// SPS «Tehekspert»

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10. Vnedrenie BIM v Rossii: novoe poruchenie Prezidenta:

11. BPS International:

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