Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To date, there are no scientifically based methods for determining the complexity of the judicial fire-technical expertise, which causes difficulties in determining the timing of the examination, establishing the optimal division of labor in the unit, as well as the differentiation of the cost of forensic research, depending on the complexity of the work performed and the qualification of performers. The author suggests a methodology for the categorization of the complexity of forensic fire-technical expertise with the aim of establishing reasonable terms and costs of their conduct. On the basis of the developed model we will build a decision support system to determine the level of complexity of the judicial fire-technical expertise.

pozharno-tehnicheskaya ekspertiza, slozhnost', metod analiza ierarhiy, sistemnyy podhod, fire-technical expertise, complexity, method of hierarchy analysis, system approach. Literatura
To date, there are no scientifically based methods for determining the complexity of the judicial fire-technical expertise, which causes difficulties in determining the timing of the examination, establishing the optimal division of labor in the unit, as well as the differentiation of the cost of forensic research, depending on the complexity of the work performed and the qualification of performers. The author suggests a methodology for the categorization of the complexity of forensic fire-technical expertise with the aim of establishing reasonable terms and costs of their conduct. On the basis of the developed model we will build a decision support system to determine the level of complexity of the judicial fire-technical expertise.

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