Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Promising modern methods of studying the signs of waterlogged structures of the foundations of buildings were collected and analyzed, and their efficiency and feasibility in real conditions were determined. The study of the existing procedural actions during the construction and technical expertise in the framework of judicial proceedings. A set of methods for monitoring and assessing the safety of GTS based on the use of both quantitative and qualitative information about the state of the facilities. In the course of the study of signs of waterlogged structures of the foundations of buildings in the production of judicial construction and technical expertise, one of the most effective author considers an integrated approach, namely as an approach to the study of defects of waterlogged structures, based on several (complex) research methods that complement and improve each other.

Judicial construction and technical expertise, signs of waterlogged structures, defects, methods of flaw detection
Promising modern methods of studying the signs of waterlogged structures of the foundations of buildings were collected and analyzed, and their efficiency and feasibility in real conditions were determined. The study of the existing procedural actions during the construction and technical expertise in the framework of judicial proceedings. A set of methods for monitoring and assessing the safety of GTS based on the use of both quantitative and qualitative information about the state of the facilities. In the course of the study of signs of waterlogged structures of the foundations of buildings in the production of judicial construction and technical expertise, one of the most effective author considers an integrated approach, namely as an approach to the study of defects of waterlogged structures, based on several (complex) research methods that complement and improve each other.

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