Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The annual expansion of the scope of activity of the construction industry, until recently, has both positive and negative factors of influence on society associated with increased risk of the working process, as a result of industrial injuries and deaths, an increase in the number of produced defects and substandard housing that does not meet the requirements of quality standards. The difficult economic situation in the country only exacerbates this issue. Basically, the reason for this is the abuse of official powers of the developer, or his negligence. This article will review and analyze the methods of research of reinforced concrete structures, as the most widespread building construction, during the forensic construction examination.

reinforced concrete structures, forensic construction expertise, construction and installation works, control
The annual expansion of the scope of activity of the construction industry, until recently, has both positive and negative factors of influence on society associated with increased risk of the working process, as a result of industrial injuries and deaths, an increase in the number of produced defects and substandard housing that does not meet the requirements of quality standards. The difficult economic situation in the country only exacerbates this issue. Basically, the reason for this is the abuse of official powers of the developer, or his negligence. This article will review and analyze the methods of research of reinforced concrete structures, as the most widespread building construction, during the forensic construction examination.

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