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Abstract (English):
The main problem that arises during the inspection of multilayer walling with cladding in frame buildings is the identification of hidden defects and damage. The reasons for the formation of which are design flaws and poor construction and installation works. Often, the emergency technical condition of this type of facade construction is detected after the collapse of individual elements, which, in turn, poses a danger to people in the vicinity of the building. Comparison of the results obtained by different methods under different conditions of shooting the object. The variant of registration of defects and damages on highly detailed large-scale photographs is considered. The conclusion was made about the accuracy of a cloud of points obtained by digital photogrammetry and using it as an express method of preliminary assessment of the technical condition of the facing layer of the facade with the subsequent geodesic survey of the identified anomalous sections. The conclusion is made about the use of the considered methods when accepting facade works, examining and monitoring the technical condition of the facade of a building.

facade, non-contact measurement methods, ground laser scanning, digital photogrammetry
The main problem that arises during the inspection of multilayer walling with cladding in frame buildings is the identification of hidden defects and damage. The reasons for the formation of which are design flaws and poor construction and installation works. Often, the emergency technical condition of this type of facade construction is detected after the collapse of individual elements, which, in turn, poses a danger to people in the vicinity of the building. Comparison of the results obtained by different methods under different conditions of shooting the object. The variant of registration of defects and damages on highly detailed large-scale photographs is considered. The conclusion was made about the accuracy of a cloud of points obtained by digital photogrammetry and using it as an express method of preliminary assessment of the technical condition of the facing layer of the facade with the subsequent geodesic survey of the identified anomalous sections. The conclusion is made about the use of the considered methods when accepting facade works, examining and monitoring the technical condition of the facade of a building.

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