Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main stages of full-scale studies (expert examination) required in the production of construction and technical expertise are considered. The typical problems arising in the course of expert examination are defined, the ways of their solution are offered. The recommended variants of the expert's behavior in problem situations that develop during the examination are given. Comes to conclusions that understanding of problems of the organization and carrying out survey of object of judicial construction and technical examination and ways of their decision will allow experts builders to solve successfully and effectively the tasks set for them.

forensic building technical expertise, expert inspection, field research forensic expert-Builder
The main stages of full-scale studies (expert examination) required in the production of construction and technical expertise are considered. The typical problems arising in the course of expert examination are defined, the ways of their solution are offered. The recommended variants of the expert's behavior in problem situations that develop during the examination are given. Comes to conclusions that understanding of problems of the organization and carrying out survey of object of judicial construction and technical examination and ways of their decision will allow experts builders to solve successfully and effectively the tasks set for them.

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2. Butyrin A.Yu., Orlov Yu.K. Stroitel'no-tehnicheskaya ekspertiza v sovremennom sudoproizvodstve: uchebnik. M.: RFCSE, 2016. 368 s.

3. Butyrin A.Yu., Lukovkina O.V. Opredelenie stoimosti remonta pomescheniy, povrezhdennyh zalivom (uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie) // Teoriya i praktika sudebnoy ekspertizy. 2017. № 4 (16). S 128-141.

4. Bud'ko V.B., Butyrin A.Yu., Grunin I.Yu., Troickiy-Markov T.E., Schigrev S.A., Makeev A.V. Primenenie vizual'no-izmeritel'nogo metoda nerazrushayuschego kontrolya pri reshenii ekspertnyh voprosov, svyazannyh s ustanovleniem prichin vozniknoveniya i razvitiya defektov kamennyh ograzhdayuschih konstrukciy zhilyh i obschestvennyh zdaniy // Teoriya i praktika sudebnoy ekspertizy. 2017. № 1 (17). S. 100-135.

5. Makeev A.V. Metodicheskie podhody k opredeleniyu stoimosti vosstanovleniya stroitel'nyh ob'ektov, povrezhdennyh pozharom // Teoriya i praktika sudebnoy ekspertizy. 2017. № 4 (16). S. 80-104.

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