Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Importance. Today, the impact of external factors on the activities of organizations plays a key role. In this regard, the prediction of these factors and, naturally, getting used to them are one of the most important aspects for the successful running of a business. Thus, relationships governing the process of building a business ecosystem, innovations in the modern business environment are observed in this article. Objectives. Based on the results of advanced research of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of modern business, to consider the theoretical aspects of developing a strategy for building a business ecosystem of a large company. Methods. The research involves such methods as selection, study and analysis of the literature, documents, method of comparative analysis, tabular method, analogy strategy, evolutionary approach and the theory of complex adaptive systems. Results. Using the basic properties of natural ecosystems can significantly reduce the complexity of the adaptation process, form the right attitude to innovation and cooperation, thereby enhancing the resilience of both an individual company and the business ecosystem as a whole. The scope of the results. As a result of using the method of analogies, a quite obvious parallel between the processes occurring in nature and the processes in the business environment becomes obvious. This makes it possible to apply the laws of the origin, functioning and development of the ecosystem to establish relationships that govern the processes of building business ecosystems for further study, systematization, development, prediction and practical application of these processes, the discovery of new technologies and new ways of using them in education, health care, transportation, changing with them the production and consumption systems provide a chance not only to increase efficiency and reduce costs, but also to restore and preserve the environment, to provide primary human needs. Conclusions and Relevance. To ensure the growth and existence of organizations, the formation of business ecosystems is currently the most productive, which requires knowledge of the growth directions of the economic and financial aspect, understanding and applying on practice the rules of the viability of the business ecosystem and the new preferences to them.

innovation, business ecosystem, forecasting, adaptation of organizations, resilience of the company
Importance. Today, the impact of external factors on the activities of organizations plays a key role. In this regard, the prediction of these factors and, naturally, getting used to them are one of the most important aspects for the successful running of a business. Thus, relationships governing the process of building a business ecosystem, innovations in the modern business environment are observed in this article. Objectives. Based on the results of advanced research of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of modern business, to consider the theoretical aspects of developing a strategy for building a business ecosystem of a large company. Methods. The research involves such methods as selection, study and analysis of the literature, documents, method of comparative analysis, tabular method, analogy strategy, evolutionary approach and the theory of complex adaptive systems. Results. Using the basic properties of natural ecosystems can significantly reduce the complexity of the adaptation process, form the right attitude to innovation and cooperation, thereby enhancing the resilience of both an individual company and the business ecosystem as a whole. The scope of the results. As a result of using the method of analogies, a quite obvious parallel between the processes occurring in nature and the processes in the business environment becomes obvious. This makes it possible to apply the laws of the origin, functioning and development of the ecosystem to establish relationships that govern the processes of building business ecosystems for further study, systematization, development, prediction and practical application of these processes, the discovery of new technologies and new ways of using them in education, health care, transportation, changing with them the production and consumption systems provide a chance not only to increase efficiency and reduce costs, but also to restore and preserve the environment, to provide primary human needs. Conclusions and Relevance. To ensure the growth and existence of organizations, the formation of business ecosystems is currently the most productive, which requires knowledge of the growth directions of the economic and financial aspect, understanding and applying on practice the rules of the viability of the business ecosystem and the new preferences to them.

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