UDK 330.322 Инвестиции. Образование капитала
The purpose of the study is to analyze the possibilities and directions of conjugation of the Chinese initiative "One Belt One Road" and the EAEU in modern conditions. It is shown that China remains an important strategic partner of our country in a period of geopolitical tension. It is substantiated that the importance of conjugation of the Chinese initiative "One Belt One Road" and the EAEU within the framework of the Greater Eurasian Partnership (BEP) is increasing. Possible ways of leveling the possible risks of the countries participating in the One Belt - One Road initiative and linking with the EAEU are considered. The article substantiates the position that the BEP acts as a unifying principle for the creation of a single Eurasian economic mechanism, shows the priority tasks of cooperation within the framework of the BEP and development prospects.
China, investments, investment projects, economic integration, EAEU, BEP, One Belt One Road
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