Russian Federation
UDK 504.03 Социально-экономические аспекты воздействия человека на окружающую среду (социальная экология)
UDK 332.15 Выбор местоположения для отдельных видов экономической деятельности. Условия. Критерии
In the article, the authors examined the role of specially protected natural territories in the system of nature management. Summarizing domestic and foreign experience, it is possible to give a comprehensive description of specially protected natural areas, in the table. They clarified the theoretical and methodological foundations of the management of specially protected natural territories, which include the ecological and economic essence of specially protected natural territories. In their study, the authors paid special attention to the environmental assessment of specially protected natural areas based on environmental monitoring data. The informational role of environmental monitoring for the management of specially protected natural territories is revealed. To select the most rational management strategy for the eco-oriented development of specially protected natural areas, a SWOT analysis was used to identify weaknesses and strengths. Conclusions were drawn about the use of environmental assessment for the development of an environmental reference strategy.
specially protected natural areas, environmental assessment, management, innovative development, ecosystem sustainability, negative impact, management strategy
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